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DeFi Accelerator
Introduction (by watching past this point you agree to the disclaimer)
Disclaimer (progressing past this points means you agree to the disclaimer)
Week 1: Discovery Phase
Selecting Crypto Assets (11:41)
Measuring KPIs For Cryptos (6:35)
Understanding Different Risks (12:29)
Conducting Due Diligence (19:48)
Wallet Configuration (13:05)
Outline Your Goals (10:35)
Week 2: Strategy Phase
Finding DeFi Strategies (15:15)
Assessing Strategy Risks (10:07)
Formulating a Portfolio (8:23)
Simulating Potential Positions (12:12)
Week 3: Deployment Phase
Creating an Allocation Sheet (12:33)
Bridging Your Assets (4:51)
Staking Your Assets (8:36)
Creating Your First CLP (5:18)
Week 4: Infrastructure Phase
Essential DeFi Tools (14:19)
Personal Tracking System Creation (19:37)
Creating a Management Flow (15:50)
Creating an Allocation Sheet
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